What is the NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service?
Our pharmacist can assist you with obtaining regular supplies of oral contraception, as well as support you in starting contraception for the first time or after a break. The NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service is available at no cost and can be accessed in selected pharmacies across England, Baguley Pharmacy being one of them!
Call in to our pharmacy today or call us on 0161 905 1293
How does the service work?
Our pharmacy team will begin by asking you a few initial questions. Then, you’ll have a private consultation with the pharmacist, who will ask relevant health-related questions to determine the best way to assist you. During the consultation, a team member may check your blood pressure and measure your BMI. Our pharmacists will provide advice and, if suitable, supply oral contraception.
If a pharmacist is unavailable, the team can arrange an appointment for you to return at a time that works best for you.